Interview with the author Carie Lince

I have to admit that I am a huge fan of fantasy paranormal romance. This genre has always impressed me with the limitless possibilities in the storylines in which the readers lose themselves and explore the world of fantasy and incredible, mind-blowing realities.
Indeed, writing something fictional and fantastical that simultaneously sounds believable and makes you forget, at least for a moment, that you are in a novel requires a strong writer's imagination and the ability to enchant readers with words. Carie Lince is just such a young writer, who already has four books under her belt, and who I would like to introduce to our readers in the book club with the greatest of pleasure.

Carie, how does a student in such a serious discipline as Political Science indulge in fantasy writing? And will we find in Tales of Cledonia things related to political life?
C: My books do have a lot of what I learned while studying Political Science. It is the study of how to govern people which is a serious subject but in order to understand it you need to also learn about how people work in large groups as well as small ones. I learned about not only my government but other governments as well. People tend to think of the subject as very serious and so not very interesting but the stories behind the people that created and maintain entire countries despite the huge differences among the citizens can be almost fantasy like. They start off often as normal everyday people and then one or two events occur, and they find themselves written into history books. I make an effort in everything I write to show how small choices can have a big impact, that bad is not always evil and good people don't always stay that way. In the book series Tales of Cledonia you will see real world experiences framed in a fantasy environment, I think it offers escapism while also maintaining relatability.
Where do you get your inspiration for the fantastic world of your fantasy paranormal romance series "Tales of Cledonia?" How was the idea for such a different fantasy world born, and when did you start writing the first part of the series - Embers on the Water?
C: I've always enjoyed fiction. In my younger years I read anything Poe or Shakespear I could find in my school library. When I got a little older, I began reading Anne Rice and to this day she has a dedicated space in my library at home. I think I really started diving deep into fantasy when I read A Court of Thorns and Roses by Maas after a friend of mine insisted. Another friend asked me to do a writing challenge with her one November and, while I hadn't written in years, I agreed. That is where Embers on the Water started. I have so many other books waiting to be written as well. I will hear a song or see a picture and suddenly a story is playing out in my head like a movie. I probably have enough ideas outlined in my files right now to give me another 3-4 years of work.
Please tell us a little more about this epic series's main story, the characters and the extraordinary magic our readers will encounter as they embark on this incredible adventure.
C: Tales of Cledonia centers around Clara, a young woman that found herself orphaned after her parents died in a shipwreck off the coast of her homeland; Cledonia. She was sent to live with her Uncle who is a social climber and is trying to force her into a marriage she doesn't want. Just when she gives up hope of having a choice, she meets Rett who introduces her to Merrick and Callan. Through them, she gains her freedom and grows dramatically from the sheltered girl she'd been raised as to a strong woman that finds her place in a realm she never knew existed. There is struggle, loves lost and gained, family discovered, and some very hard choices. She helps free entire races of fae and leads a kingdom that was being torn apart back on a path of healing with the help of her friends and family.
I am spellbound by your imagination and can't wait to read the whole book series from start to finish. What's next? Will there be a sequel to the series, or maybe you are working on your next novel?
C: I am going to write novellas for some of the characters that you meet throughout the series. High Commander Rai will get a story that takes place decades before Clara is born. Clara's uncle, his brother, and Clara's mother will have a story together that takes place previous to Clara's story as well. The horse breeder that Rett meets in the third book will also have a story, it will take place previous to Clara's as well. My plan is to release these individually as ebooks on Amazon and then also put them together into a paperback. I have two of these stories halfway written already. I also am working on a five part paranormal romance. Each book will follow one of five sisters who meet men of different paranormal types. There will be a Wolf shifter, Incubus, Dragon shifter, vampire, and a Nephilim. I have two of these halfway written as well.
You write with great ease, and the romantic scenes just take your breath away, and one wants to run through the pages, and the book to never end. I'm curious to know what the hardest part of writing a fantasy novel is.
C: For me the hardest part is the change in the story line that always happens as I write. The idea comes to me and I outline it on a big dry erase board in my office at home. It all looks like it is planned, and I am in control of what will happen. Then I start writing and the characters get a mind of their own. As I am writing, the character will say or do something that surprises me and I just follow him or her until she or he is done wrecking my plans then I have to go back to the planning board and try to map out where it the story is going now.
What do you do in real life when you're not writing? Please tell us something curious about yourself as a person, things that define you.
C: I read a lot. I think you need to be a reader if you want to be a writer. I also enjoy going to the mountains that are a few hours from where I live or walking along the river near my home. Nature is something I need to feel relaxed. I spent years living in large cities and I honestly don't think I could do that again. I need the trees and the sound of nature to be happy.
Thank you, Carie, for this lovely conversation. I believe our readers are intrigued and will gladly dive into the story of Tales of Cledonia.
C: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to answer some questions for my readers to get to know me better and for the lovely you work you did on my covers.
Dear fantasy readers, you can read excerpts from the books by Carie Lince on Amazon and pre-order your fresh new copies on Amazon. And please don't forget to leave an honest review or your reader opinion in the comments below the book itself. That means the whole world to the author. 😊
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